Mathnasium 2991 Lougheed Hwy, #8, Coquitlam BC V3B 6J6 (604) 474-2537

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News from Mathnasium of Tri-Cities

Unexpected Benefits Of Mathnasium... (You'll Be Surprised)

Aug 3, 2021

When a new student comes to Mathnasium of Tri Cities, we expect: 1. “Aha!” moments 2. Confidence building 3. A newfound love for learning math Some things we don’t foresee, however, are equally exciting… making new friends. ...

Interview With A Math Teacher: What Makes A Successful Student?

Jul 30, 2021

Today we want to share some great insights from Justin Gillmore, a math teacher of 16 years. In this interview, we asked Mr. Gillmore what makes a successful math student and what parents can do to ensure their student will have a great year. ...

Back To School: Do It The Best Way

Jul 28, 2021

Parents everywhere are starting to think about a big, annual event: kids going back to school. Wanna know how Mathnasium of Tri Cities can make this back-to-school season the best ever? Check out the top 2 habits to create an awesome year for your...

Summer Math Drought Ahead! Harsh Consequences To Follow

Jul 25, 2021

Most kids spell Summertime like this: NO MORE HOMEWORK. Summertime is a break from tests, a break from worksheets, and according to 37% of kids 13-17, a break from their least favorite subject.... math. But it's not as simple as just hat...

Magnificent Math Manipulatives and Why Your Child Needs Them

Jul 21, 2021

Ready to manipulate math? Math manipulatives are physical objects used to explain an abstract concept. The objects can be moved, or manipulated, in order to prove an idea. For example, when students learn addition, a teacher might use manipulat...

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